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Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee th September 2004, The Victory Hall, Aboyne Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 04/462/CP Applicant Name Mrs P Campbell-Allan Development Address Coyle View & Bellrorie, 19 Salisbury Road, Ballater Development Details Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 23-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 14-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area CNPA Ref 04/463/CP Applicant Name Mr Ian Henry Development Address 11 Lochnagar Way, Ballater Development Details Extension to Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 23-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 14-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/464/CP Applicant Name Mrs Jane Roxburghe Development Address Chapelton Farm House, Boat Of Garten Development Details Alterations and extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 23-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 14-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/465/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Wares Development Address 20 Craigellachie Crescent, Aviemore Development Details Extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/466/CP Applicant Name Mrs J L Beesley Development Address Cairnview, Boat Of Garten Development Details Extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/467/CP Applicant Name Dr R M Steel Development Address Rowan Cottage, Kinveachy, Boat Of Garten Development Details Extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/468/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs S Palmer Development Address Land To West Of Tigh Na Bea, Duthil, By Carrbridge Development Details Erection of dwelling and formation of new access CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints Adjacent to CSAC CNPA Ref 04/469/CP Applicant Name Aviemore & Highland Developments Development Address Rathven, 100 Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details Demolition of existing dwelling; erection of 2 storey retail building CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recomion mendatNo Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None -Previous Application 03/141/CP CNPA Ref 04/470/CP Applicant Name A & R Hedley Development Address Land Adjoining Coylum House, Coylumbridge, Aviemore Development Details Erection of dwelling (outline) CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints SAC, NSA CNPA Ref 04/471/CP Applicant Name McLeod Building Ltd Development Address Plots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & 28, Woodburn Drive Development Grantown on Spey Development Details Erection of 6 dwellings CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/472/CP Applicant Name CWS Retail Financial Services Development Address Co-op, Market Town Post Office Buildings, The Square, Braemar Development Details Erection of Illuminated Signs CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type ADV Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area, NSA CNPA Ref 04/473/CP Applicant Name Aberdeenshire Council Services Policy Development Address Site to the North West Monaltrie Park, Ballater Development Details Installation of Play Equipment, Trim Track, Art Work, Fencing CNPA Notified 27-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 18-Oct-04 Application Type NSC Planner Recomion mendatNo Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/474/CP Applicant Name Forestry Commission Scotland Development Address Cambus O'May Forest, Ballater Development Details Erection of Public Toilets & Shelter CNPA Notified 28-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 19-Oct-04 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SSSI CNPA Ref 04/475/CP Applicant Name Mr Robin Patterson Development Address Mar Lodge Estate, Bob Scotts Bothy, Glen Derry, Braemar Development Details Reconstruction & Repair of Bothy (Fire Damaged) CNPA Notified 28-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 19-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation Call-in Call-in Reasons The proposal involves the reconstruction of Bob Scotts Bothy in Glen Derry. The site lies within a heavily designated area in conservation terms and raises issues in relation to natural and cultural heritage. As such the proposal may raise issues of general significance to the collective aims of the National Park. Constraints SPA, SAC, NSA & SSSI CNPA Ref 04/476/CP Applicant Name Ian Chadburn Development Address Lynwilg Railway Cottages, Aviemore Development Details Alterations and extension to two dwellings CNPA Notified 30-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 21-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints Partially within NSA CNPA Ref 04/477/CP Applicant Name Steven Mackenzie Development Address 9 Dalfaber Park, Aviemore Development Details Erection of raised decking CNPA Notified 30-Sep-04 Call-in Expiry 21-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recomion mendatNo Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 04/478/CP Applicant Name Cairngorms National Park Authority Development Address Albert Memorial Hall, Station Square, Ballater Development Details Internal Alterations to Office Incorporating Demolition of Booksafe CNPA Notified 04-Oct-04 Call-in Expiry 25-Oct-04 Application Type LBC Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area, Listed Building CNPA Ref 04/479/CP Applicant Name Mr Stuart Black Development Address Carn Elrig, Lainchoil Road End, Laintachan, Dorback, Nethybridge Development Details Erection of double garage CNPA Notified 04-Oct-04 Call-in Expiry 25-Oct-04 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/480/CP Applicant Name Scottish Hydro-Electric Power Distribution Ltd Development Address Land North East Of Macrae Crescent, Kincraig Development Details Additional overhead line pole to serve housing development CNPA Notified 04-Oct-04 Call-in Expiry 25-Oct-04 Application Type OHL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 04/481/CP Applicant Name HBOS Development Address 1 The Square, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Relocation of ATM for DDA compliance CNPA Notified 04-Oct-04 Call-in Expiry 25-Oct-04 Application Type LBC Planner Recomion mendatNo Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area, Listed Building, NMR